Painting Your Home Exterior

If you are doing the painting yourself or hiring an outside service, here are a few tips to make sure the job is done right. The weather will have a lot to do with your paint. Make sure that there is no rain predicted, and the humidity is low to give the paint time to dry. You need to purchase quality paint. When you are buying paint, if it does not have a primer included, you will need to purchase primer separately. Prep your home prior to starting by sanding, washing, and any rotted wood needs to be repaired or replaced. Cover the bushes; remove hoses, plants and any other items out of the way so they will not get damaged and for your own safety. It is better to mix several cans of paint in a very large bucket to insure it has uniform color. Start from the top to the bottom. When you are done painting, seal the cans tight to keep the paint from drying out. Hammer it with a rubber mallet. Your home will look amazing after it is finished.

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