There are several flowers and plants that are heat tolerant and hold up through the heat of a New Orleans Summer. The top performing bedding plants for sunny areas are Euphorbia Breathless White and Breathless Blush, Serena; Rudbeckia Early Bird Gold (will live and bloom for many years). To add a variety of colors, Zinnias would be a great choice.
Lantanas are a low growing flower and can be sheared back to maintain its height. The best performers are Lucky Pot of Gold & Lucky Cream.
The Ornamental Pepper Black Pearl is resilient in the summer garden. Not only beautiful, the fruit is edible. Be careful, the pepper is fiery hot.
There are some colorful shade-loving bedding plants. One of the shade-loving plants is the Caladium.
Choose your flowers and plants by size, color, and your taste. Relax with a cool drink, and marvel at the beauty of your Summer Garden